Have you felt unbearably hot this summer, and wondered to yourself, is this what global warming feels like?
Chances are that someone living almost 90 years from now would consider you a big whiner. Over at Climate Central, a new interactive tool shows how often your city might suffer through temperatures above either 90 degrees, 100 degrees, or 110 degrees by the year 2050 and the year 2100. It includes projections for 87 cities under four different greenhouse gas emissions scenarios, and it’s terrifying. You can try it out below:
Thus, while Washington, DC, currently sees only about one day per year over 100 degrees, that is projected to go up to eight days by 2050 and to 24 days by 2100 under the worst emissions scenario—which is the pathway we’re currently on.
The only good news: There are three other emissions scenarios accessible in the interactive that aren’t as bad. And our current decisions just might get us off the scorchingly hot path, and onto something more tolerable.