Last night I read Donald Trump’s comment that he had read the word “wiretap” in the New York Times on January 20, so he figured that made it OK on March 4 to accuse President Obama of wiretapping him. I vaguely wondered what article he was talking about, but it was late and life is short, so I went to bed instead of searching for it.
Today, though, I wondered yet again. Here’s what the Times search engine tells me:
I also tried “wire tap” and “wire-tap.” No dice. Does anyone have a clue what he was talking about?
And how about the Bret Baier report “the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening, and wiretapping”? I can’t find that either.
Do either of these things exist? Or is Trump just making stuff up to cover for the fact that he read about it in a Breitbart News summary of a Mark Levin radio rant?