Paris Hilton, never one to pass up an opportunity to display money or pander for attention, has produced a video response to Sen. McCain’s attack ad comparing Sen. Obama with Hilton.
The helpful wonks over at The New Republic actually fact-checked Hilton’s energy spiel (slow news week, guys?), so check that out if you want. Ok, so maybe she won’t be our next Secretary of Energy—and she’s not that funny, either.
But, unlike the two senators actually running for the most important job in the free world, she demonstrates a working knowledge of satire and the ability to make a simple joke without offending the entire English-speaking world. With both candidates gaffing their way through the summer, Republicans protesting in dark, empty rooms, and Democrats plotting secret back-room strategies that get immediately leaked, Paris Hilton may actually be the political MVP of these first few days of August.
And that is the state of American politics today. How long until Rasmussen starts tracking her in the polls?
—Max Fisher