Gallup says today that doctor-assisted suicide is the “most controversial cultural issue” in its recent poll. Why? Because it’s the issue where opinion is divided most closely. I’m not sure that’s really much of a proxy for “most controversial,” but I guess it’s their poll, not mine.
What struck me about their list, though, was how few of these things I object to. Out of 17 issues, there were only four I objected to, and even there my objections depend on circumstances. There really wasn’t a single one that I just flatly, always think is morally unacceptable. I’m not sure what this says about me.
Anyway, here’s the list. See if you can guess the four I found kinda-sorta unacceptable. (Hint: I don’t really have a problem with human cloning, though I suppose I might change my mind if a cloned race of superhumans takes over the world and enslaves the rest of us.)