RNC chairman Michael Steele’s latest brainstorm is to cast gay marriage not as a moral issue, but as a small business killer: if gays get married, then small businesses will have to provide extra health insurance. The bottom line? “You just cost me money,” he told an audience a few days ago. Andrew Tobias brings the snark:
He’s spot on, which is why the GOP should come out against marriage generally, not just same-sex marriage. Married workers cost more if you provide family health insurance. So the smart hiring order is: single people first; and then married gay people (who are less likely to have kids needing health insurance and more likely to have working spouse’s with their own health insurance), and then, if you absolutely must, married heterosexual couples. It’s just good business.
As Steele himself says, he’s the gift that keeps on giving. I’m sort of hoping for a Palin/Steele ticket to go up against Barack Obama in 2012.