Today’s must reads:
- Viggo Mortensen, King of The Road (MoJo)
- Health Care Cost Savings (The Atlantic)
- Public Option at Center of Health Care Debate (WaPo)
- Members of Congress: Eating Their Own Dog Food (MoJo)
- Taibbi on Sarah Palin: “Poor Rush is an anachronism” (Matt Taibbi)
- In 3 Tacks for Afghan War, a Game of Trade-Offs (NYT)
- On the Anniversary of Kennedy’s Death, Extremism Lives On (Esquire)
- Judge David Hamilton and the fight over God’s secular title. (Slate)
- A Condemnation of Sparkly Vampires (The Atlantic)
- Sewers at Capacity, Toxic Waste Poisons Waterways (NYT)
- Jack Goldsmith and Jim Comey Defend Holder’s KSM Decision (WaPo)
- The Sunday Shows in Five Bullet Points (The Atlantic)
- “Sometimes, the Majority of Americans Are Really Stupid” (The Atlantic)
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