Happy Shakespeare’s birthday! Maybe. April 23rd is as good a guess as any, and if you’re not convinced just pretend you’re celebrating St. George’s Day instead. Inkblot and Domino are celebrating by hunting critters in the deep, dark jungle in our backyard. I don’t really know what Inkblot is looking at, I just know that something caught his eye and he took off like a shot for the bushes to track it down. As usual, he failed. Domino then followed him out and caught sight of some birds. She even made that funny cat hunting sound, which I’ve never heard her attempt before.
And there’s good news to go with all this: Wednesday was vet day, and everyone is healthy. Hooray! What’s more, according to the official weigh-in, Inkblot has lost about five pounds since his peak and Domino has lost two-and-a-half. Not exactly supermodel svelte, but that’s good enough for now. Have a nice weekend, everyone.