I’m getting tired of slamming the guy over and over, but the DREAM Act is important to me so I’m going to mention this.
Speaking at an event hosted by La Raza, a nationwide organization that fights for the rights of Hispanic Americans, John McCain was asked by a young girl if he would commit to supporting the DREAM Act. McCain said, “Yes. Yes, but I will also enforce the existing laws. That’s why we must secure the border.”
That’s great. It really is. I hope McCain means it, because he has said pretty explicitly in the past that he is opposed to the DREAM Act. For example, the conservative National Review quoted McCain as saying, “I would have voted against it I have said a thousand times, I have heard the message from the American people. They want the border secured first.”
Of course, that was in the primary, when McCain was getting hammered for supporting comprehensive immigration reform by the conservative base. Now it’s the general and there are moderates and Hispanics to which McCain must appeal. Recently, there have been so many mistakes, flip-flops, little hypocrisies, big hypocrisies, deceptions, and policy boondoggles that none of them are getting any oxygen. It’s all just a wash, and it shouldn’t be.