Yes, California Really Did Kick Ass in the November Election

On November 7 I reported that voter turnout in California had been lousy this year. On November 9 I reported that I had screwed up: voter turnout had actually been pretty great. Using estimates from David Dayen, I figured that total turnout would turn out to be about 12.7 million, or 50.4 percent of eligible voters. Today the Sacramento Bee provided us with nearly final numbers:

More than 25 million Californians were eligible to vote in the election, and nearly 19.7 million of them were registered — both record-highs. About 12.7 million Californians are expected to have voted in the November elections — the highest number in a general election midterm cycle in state history.

That was a pretty good estimate from David! Let this be a lesson to everyone: it takes a long time to count votes in California, so don’t jump to conclusions unless you really know what you’re talking about.

ALSO: We flipped seven seats from Republican to Democratic, 18 percent of the national total. That’s kicking ass.


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Our team has been on fire lately—publishing sweeping, one-of-a-kind investigations, ambitious, groundbreaking projects, and even releasing “the holy shit documentary of the year.” And that’s on top of protecting free and fair elections and standing up to bullies and BS when others in the media don’t.

Yet, we just came up pretty short on our first big fundraising campaign since Mother Jones and the Center for Investigative Reporting joined forces.

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