The New ECOnomy
Global warming. Foreign oil. Bank meltdowns. Here’s how to tackle them all at once.
Illustration by Yarek Waszul
As a public service, Mother Jones, which is a nonprofit magazine, will release the full contents of this issue online over the next several weeks. If you’d like your Mother Jones sooner—and you want to support independent investigative journalism—please subscribe now.
Bush’s bureaucrats burrow in; Monica Goodling’s search for “good Americans”; is the oil shortage a scam?; Rudolph the stranded reindeer; can the water whisperer end drought forever?; sneaky ways to block the vote; why tax shelters are cozier than ever; how green is your team?
Germ warfare
Fighting bacteria only makes them mad.
After Math
When public health researcher Les Roberts set out to count Iraq’s dead, the last thing he expected was a math war.
O Say Can You Buy?
I bought American for a week and all I got was this lousy tank top.
Michael Agger on the new Thoreauvians; Buffy creator Joss Whedon thinks feminism is hot; gaming global warming; plus more book(Al’ America, The Narcotic Farm, Remix), film(Boogie Man), and music(Make the Road by Walking, Heart On, Dirt Don’t Hurt, Does You Inspire You) reviews
American holidays
Can We Save the Planet and Rescue the Economy at the Same Time?
We put a man on the moon, didn’t we?
The Seven Deadly Deficits
What the Bush years really cost us
The Most Important Number on Earth
Is it too late to escape the greenhouse danger zone?
PLUS: Cutting CO2 for fun and profit
Diet for a Warm Planet
Watch your extra carbon melt away!
Burning Questions
Taking the guesswork out of going green
PLUS: Ecogeek deathmatch: Ed Begley Jr. vs. Bill Nye
The Truth About Green Jobs
When are they coming? Who gets them? Are they really outsourcing-proof?
What About the Dirty Jobs?
Stop condescending to the brown-collar crowd.
Losing Focus
How Ford went into the ditch
The Science Project
What’s holding up the breakthroughs
Out of the Woods
Lumberjacks and tree sitters, together at last
Big Green Brother
Wal-Mart pushes clean living. Yes, Wal-Mart.
PLUS: T. Boone Pickens’ hot air on wind energy
Earth to Washington
Why DC doesn’t get it
Let’s Go Europe
Brussels’ greener government: Could it happen here?
The Great Persuader
Can Obama walk his talk?
PLUS: Cleaning up the House
Gas drilling in western Colorado makes the water foul and the locals angry.
Cover illustration by Bill Mayer
Photograph of Sarah Michelle Gellar courtesy 20th Century Fox