Your early numbers, as polls close here in New Hampshire:
John McCain 37.3%
Mitt Romney 27.9%
Mike Huckabee 11.9%
Rudolph W. Giuliani 8.9%
Ron Paul 8.4%
Fred D. Thompson 1.5%
Hillary Rodham Clinton 37.6%
Barack Obama 36.4%
John Edwards 16.6%
Bill Richardson 4.3%
Dennis J. Kucinich 2.0%
We’ve had thoughts on the race here, here, here, and here. Everyone and their mother is saying this going to be an Obama victory on the Democratic side—the only question is how large that victory will be. If it’s 5-6 percent, Clinton and her camp will probably spin that as a moral victory. We may actually hear the “comeback kid” line again. If it’s over 10%, no amount of spin will be able to slow the media’s “blowout” narrative.
We’ll keep you posted here at MoJoBlog. Also, an analysis of some exit polling to come.
Update: MSNBC has called the Republican race, with just 12 percent of the votes in, for John McCain. “Mac is back!” cheers explode through the McCain rally venue.