Today’s must-reads:
- Public option fight is next in health care debate (NYT)
- Some wounded soldiers return to Iraq (NYT)
- The hidden costs of Medicare Advantage (WaPo)
- The incredible shrinking Chamber of Commerce (MoJo)
- “Because of the participation of many of you, I’ve added something to my Constitution. I’ve added a tea bag.” (ThinkProgress)
- What are we going to do about taxing and spending? (MoJo)
- “Dear Attorney General Ashcroft: I would appreciate it if you could share your abstinence story. —Al Franken” (Letters of Note)
- Burn (the financial industry) Down and Salt the Earth (MoJo)
- Eliot Spitzer: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce must be stopped. Here’s how to do it. (Slate)
- Calvin Trillin on the real reason for the economic meltdown (NYT)
- The Top Ten Things Still Worth Fighting For in Health Care Reform (The New Republic)
- Fox News chyron of the century: “CLINTON RULES OUT RUN FOR PRES: BAD NEWS FOR OBAMA?” (Media Matters)
- “The Washington Real Americans” (The Economist)
- FAIL: You can now become a “fan” of Auschwitz on facebook (MoJo)
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