DOJ: State of Alaska Discriminates Against Voters With Disabilities

At one voting location, an accessible voting machine was still in a shipping box.

A sign that "Vote here, polling place," with people in line. There is a disability-wheelchair symbol too.

Residents in Anchorage, Alaska wait to vote.Mark Thiessen/AP

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On Monday, the US Department of Justice sent a letter to Alaska’s director of elections, outlining the state’s litany of violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act that impacted disabled voters. Under the ADA, disabled voters should have the same opportunity and access to vote as non-disabled people. The DOJ says in Alaska that was not happening.

Here are just some of the issues found by the DOJ:

  • Not all early voting and Election Day sites had accessible voting machines, and some machines did not work. At one site, the DOJ found, the machine was still in its shipping box.
  • The state of Alaska does not provide accessible voting machines at absentee in-person voting sites.
  • There are audio issues with some accessible voting machines. One Blind user could not understand the audio and had to get a poll worker to assist them in voting on a paper ballot, stripping them of the right to vote independently.
  • There were accessibility problems to get into some voting locations. Issues include the lack of ADA-accessible parking and issues with ramps, including one where there was a step before the ramp started.
  • Some voting machines were also placed at too high of a level, making it difficult for wheelchair users to reach.
  • Alaska’s election website is inaccessible for some disabled users, with some videos not containing captions.

The DOJ warned that if Alaska does not address these findings, the US attorney general may file a lawsuit against the state.

“The Justice Department is fully committed to enforcing the ADA to make sure that individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to vote, including by voting privately and independently like everyone else,” DOJ Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke said in a statement.


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