The must-read stories from around the web and in today’s papers:
- A key group of Democrats has a Plan B climate bill—full of industry giveaways: [Mother Jones]
- Defense Secretary Robert Gates will announce today a major review of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: [AP]
- Inside the Taliban’s blend of modern weapons and age-old tactics in Afghanistan: [New York Times]
- The fates of Swiss bank UBS and the Swiss economy are increasingly in the US’ hands: [Mother Jones]
- Paul Volcker vs. Wall St.: The showdown over proprietary trading is on: [Wall Street Journal]
- US, China, and other major emitters join Copenhagen Accord: [LA Times]
- Yes, Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget would erase the deficit—by privatizing everything and giving seniors all the risk: [Ezra Klein]
- The DoD’s new Quadrennial Defense Review envisions a future of unmanned war zones… [Mother Jones]
- …Those same drones, however, reportedly killed 123 Pakistani civilians in January alone: [The News, Pakistan]
- A Gallup poll suggests most states still favor Democratic candidates: [Politico]
- The US Chamber of Commerce is currently outspending the RNC and DNC in lobbying and ads: [The Atlantic]
- Has Obama’s recent flurry of financial reform proposals derailed Congress? [NYT]